Sunday, March 27, 2011

Models, Maps, Symbols and More!

In Social Studies, we will be learning about maps.  We will first identify how a map is a model.  Students will recognize how models are representations of real things.   Then, we will find out how a map is model.  We will also discuss the difference between a map and a globe.  We will make our own maps and discuss how symbols help us identify items on a map.
Our next reading unit is called "Down On the Farm," which coincides with our Social Studies unit that compares the difference between a town and a farm.  Also, in reading we will begin working with the short "o" sound.  Your child will be responsible for identifying words with short "o" ending such as: pot, got, hot, fox, box, log, frog, dog.
In math, we will continue our inquiry into addition and subtraction. We will be solving addition and subtraction problems using different strategies.  Some of the strategies will be; using manipulatives, a number line and creating their own word stories.  Students will also understand the terms: number sentence, equal, plus, minus, counting on from ten, graphing, patterning, and tally marks.
Your child can benefit by being able to identify and write numbers up to 30.  Your child should be able to count by 1's, 10's and 5's to 100.  We will also practice counting by 2's. 
There are so many things going on in the last few weeks of Kindergarten!  I cannot believe the school year is three-fourths of the way finished.  Your child will grow and  learn so much in the next few weeks.  Remember, that as the days get longer and warmer, your child will probably be spending more time outside.   It is not unusual for them to get a little bit more tired, especially if involved in t-ball.  But summer will soon be here and they will be ready and on their way to First Grade!!!

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