Friday, November 18, 2011

Weekly News!

We have been so excited getting ready for Thanksgiving.  The kids are sharing their Thanksgiving traditions and are looking forward to spending time with their families as I am.  I can hardly believe it is almost time to put up the Christmas tree and lights.
In math, we are learning about tally marks, tools that measure, beginning addition and subtraction word problems, and sorting objects by color and size.  At calendar time, we practice making different amounts of change to learn the values of the coins.  I am surprised at how quickly they are learning to count by 10's and 5's. What super, smart kids!
In reading, our focus in on sight words and word family words.  So far, we have worked on "at" words and will soon start "an" words. 
Every day we are writing in our journals. The leader of the day gets to say what they are thankful for.  At the end of November, your child will have a nice journal to bring home and share with their families what our class was thankful for!  The kids get excited waiting to see what the leader is thankful for that day.  
I am glad I was able to see most of you at conferences.  Next parent teacher conferences will be in February. 
I hope you all have a Happy, Safe and Blessed Thanksgiving!

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