Monday, September 5, 2011

September 5-8th

This week we will review the color word "red."  Skyler was our leader on Friday and I let her decide what color word we are going to learn next.  She said "purple," so purple it is!  We will practice writing purple and red and learn a new song for purple. 
We will continue to learn the sounds for the letters.  I am teaching the students motions to help them remember the sounds that each letter makes.  So far, we are up to the letter "I,i"  Every couple of days, I show them a few more motions.  Soon, we will be able to do the whole alphabet.  
In math, we will learn a new poem about squares.  We have started to work in our Math Journals.  An example of something we might do in our Math Journal would be solving problems such as : 1 rat and 1 hen.  How many legs?  We would draw out the problem and practice counting the legs.   We will work on counting out objects and will continue to practice writing numbers 1-5.
Our butterflies were supposed to be here last week.  I am hoping they come soon!! The kids keep asking and I have never had them be this late before.  We will keep our fingers crossed.
Questions the students and I will be discussing this week about reading are: Why do people read?  What different kinds of things can you read?  Where do you like to read? 
The first home football game will be Friday!  Thankfully the weather has cooled off and we can enjoy being at school.  Hope you all had a great weekend and I look forward to seeing your little ones tomorrow morning.

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